The Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry developed the Louisiana Grown. Real. Fresh. program to identify and promote Louisiana agricultural specialty crops and the value-added food products of such crops grown, harvested, and processed in Louisiana. The Louisiana Grown. Real. Fresh. program’s goal is to provide Louisiana farms the ability to connect with the consumer and have their product recognized as a local product through statewide advertising and promotion efforts that encourage consumers to buy fresh, local specialty crop products within the state of Louisiana.
Louisiana Grown. Real. Fresh. efforts are designed to create consumer awareness and increased consumption of Louisiana specialty crops. The logo developed may be used on containers, packages, and/or labels that hold or contain 100% Louisiana grown specialty crop products; on promotional items such as T-shirts, bumper stickers, bags, and aprons; and in ads and other promotional materials.
Crops considered specialty crops include fruits and tree nuts, vegetables, culinary herbs and spices, and medicinal plants as well as nursery, floriculture, and horticulture crops. For a complete list of eligible crops, visit the United States Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Marketing Service Website.